How Many Chakras Do We Have?

Before giving a straight answer when there is really none (so far) – this question – how many chakras do we have – raises many questions and when you google it, you might get 100 000 results! So, I would like to start with the most important information I learned, when I started my Reiki courses, and then proceed with what I found when researching to compliment that data, and to conclude (or not) to how many chakras we have , after all. At this point, I would like to say that I don´t like to use the word “ chakra ” but only do it because it is wide spread, and so, it´s easier to identify. I do like to use “ energy points ” or “ energy centers ” as what they really are in the English language. In order to better educate ourselves regarding this matter, let´s first review what is a chakra and the origin of the word. According to the Merrian-Webster dictionary a chakra is: any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body accord...