
Showing posts from December, 2019

Perfectionism – How We See It as Bad, Good and Ugly

Watch out when someone says they are perfectionists as most likely they lack perfection.  Perfectionism is an obsessive behavior and even though it seems, that being perfect may be good and perfect (pardon the redundancy), being a perfectionist can be, not only bad, it can actually be ugly – not becoming at all. What Is Perfectionism? Perfectionism is an obsessive personal trait or behavior that gives the endless need for more accomplishments. Perfectionism becomes toxic, as while those in its continuous desire for success  -  for being always the best in everything -  they are actually most focused on avoiding failure than anything else. They fear failure and so they brag about “perfectionism”.   In their obsessive trait they need and expect other´s adoration and approval to be unconditional and want to be seen grandiose and flawless. They actually live in an alternative reality –  their reality of being perfect and adored for it. In psycho...

Who do you Talk to after your Spiritual Awakening

A spiritual awakening is usually an ongoing process taking sometimes many years; many a times we don´t even realize we are awakening, we simply feel strange in our skin and when falling ill, we often blame it on something other, than, simply being out of balance within our very own essence. Once we start realizing what is truly going on, we begin the process of our spiritual awakening, and then who do we talk to? Who do we open up to? I see in my mind, the astonished faces of the people I tried to talk to when I didn´t know better, and now I simply smile! Spiritual awakening is not a “woo-woo” something, reserved for monks in Tibet   or other parts of the Eastern Word, who are more inclined to a lifestyle that embraces the spiritual and the whole being wellness as a natural process.   Spiritual awakening is happening to all of those who have decided to catch the ongoing train into the Golden Era where  darkness does not exist.     Spiritual awakening ...

Stages of the Soul Consciousness

To most people living today, the “soul” is, still, a mystery because it is a part of themselves they do not see or even believe in;  to those, it is important to know in what stage of their physical life they are – their health, their wealth or their social status. These usually self-centered people, do not give much thought or importance to the part of themselves that is not seen – the soul - but to those who either have an interest to know and learn more about the whole self  - the whole being - or want to clear some doubts or uncertainties, I come today asking you questions,  so together we can clear up some of those issues regarding the Stages of the Soul Consciousness. -           Do you know in which stage your soul consciousness is? -           Are you manifesting from your Soul? -           What is the best version of you...

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