Riding the Quantum Leap
After the last article on Energy Vibration and Frequency , due to actual events taking place in our daily life, it is important to talk about Quantum Leaps , what they are and how to “ride” them, go with their flow or stay stagnate. In review - let´s just say that subtle energy is based on frequencies/ vibrations that cannot be seen with a naked eye but affects organisms at a cellular level. This science of Quantum Physics was first suggested by Albert Einstein . Einstein explained that light exists in a particle-like state as packets of energy (quanta) called photons. The photoelectric effect occurs because the packets of energy carried by each individual red photon are too weak to knock the electrons off the atoms, no matter how many red photons are beamed onto the cathode. But the individual UV photons were each strong enough to release the electron and cause a current flow . In practical terms - subtle energy is about things which are so small that they can’t b