The Energy Field – What Science Proves
We often hear that we are ONE and that is, simply because we are all entangled in this gigantic field of energy called Multiverse which spreads throughout the entire Cosmos, and along the years, cosmologists, philosophers, physicists and biologists have proven that several of their experiments have verified theories about how energies work, behave, act and react, depending on time, space and reality; they have proven all is related, all is subjective, all is entangled; let´s then talk about The Energy Field and What Science Proves. The Quantum Entanglement was first discovered by the Austrian Theoretical Physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935; later studied by Einstein as well as other scientists. The Quantum Entanglement is a quantum phenomenon that has no equivalent in conventional physics. The groups of entangled particles lose their individuality and behave as a single entity – as ONE ! Any change in one of the particles leads to an immediat...