has been a RNC - Registered Nutrition Consultant for over thirty years. With a passion for
cooking nutritious and practical healthy meals, she has also been an airline ground
passenger assistant, a reservations and ticket office supervisor for another airline, a Bed and Breakfast Inn Co-founder and Manager, as well as published authored books and a painter, who has moved many times and lived in lots of different places within
three different continents such as North America, South America and Europe.
Born in
Europe in the fifties, more precisely in Lisbon - Portugal where she lived the
first 15 years of her life, she lived and experienced the sort of “normal” life
for that time. She felt she was different but could not pin point why until
much later in life.
She was an early Indigo and did not know it until much
later on; she was also told she was sensitive, mediunic and psychic to
which she responded, then, with a question: - Who me? Are you kidding?
From sort of several
unusual events she felt the need to see an Energy Healer who is a Psychic and
Psychologist . She made an appointment
for an Energy Cleaning as she thought she had absorbed too much bad energy from
other people, and she needed that clearing in order to feel better and lighter (so she thought).
The one hour session with this peculiar and special doctor was life revealing
and transcendental. And by the way – she
did not need an energy cleaning at that time; she was plainly sent there for
another purpose – but she did not know it until she was literally told. The whole session in itself was already enough
to start a new book, but let´s just make it short and say, it was there and
then, she finally paid full attention to the fact of what she was and is, and
what she was supposed to be doing in this lifetime. Her life path was
introduced right there and then, before her eyes and ears, and overwhelmed by
the whole information and how it was delivered to her, she left feeling she was
on a cloud, and drove to the nearest
beach to scream to the ocean: "My God what am I supposed to do with this
information?! So I am Healer, and now what? What am I supposed to do now”?
This photo
is actually from that moment.
Story short of what happened next – Virgínia has always loved nature and science, all sciences for that matter,
so she thought and asked herself what could she study to better understand her psychic,
mediunic abilities in order to be able to use them to help people heal? - Who is
going to help with my clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance and clairsentience,
where do I start (?) - she said over and
over in her head, day and night! She always heard the same answer: “in time, you will know”.And so she
did! Within two weeks, out of the blue, an answer was heard in her head: -
Start by taking a course in Reiki. Find a school near you.
She knew
nothing about Reiki; she had heard about it but had no knowledge on the subject
Reiki level I, was
the first course she took which served as an introduction to her new way of life.
Reiki is an
Energy Healing Method based on the teachings of the Japanese Buddhist Master
Mikao Usui, that transforms and transcends the teachings of healing into a new
way of life.
took Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III and became a Reiki Master with open options
of teaching and practicing healing therapies. By this
time, she was sure she wanted to continue to amplify the knowledge related to
all kinds of Energy work. She took several other courses and workshops related
to specific additional and useful Reiki tools such as Dowsing, Color therapy,
Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Therapy, Crystal Therapy and Angel Therapy and she
then started to do her own researching and studying at home with several
renowned authors in Physics, Quantum Physics, Cosmology, Bioenergy,
Biogenetics, Epigenetics, Noetic Sciences, Neuroscience, Neurology, Hypnosis, Sacred
Geometry and the Fibonacci numbers and vibrations. She wanted to see and better
understand how the teachings of Mikao Usui work in the world of science. She
wanted to see the experiments of Quantum Physics/ Quantum Mechanics and
it´s theoretical theories, explained in modern ways, the nature and behavior
of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. She then was able to comprehend
how energy works, moves, flows and it´s influences and interactions in all
matter. She became truly fascinated watching the experiments.
One by one,
she was able to pinpoint and bridge the ethereal visions and teachings of
Master Mikao Usui with the several sciences taught today. She finally saw the proof for the
skeptical who would question her. With the clear knowing how it all works, she was then able to develop her own personal
adapted practical and pragmatic ways, using all her tools tailored in a personalized manner
in order to make Energy Healing work effectively.
or Channeling Energy for a better and healthier lifestyle became a way of Virginia´s life - bridging
science and uniting it with the ethereal and spiritual to the advantage of all
that believe and want change.
With a continuous
desire to have more knowledge she went
on to study briefly on subjects such as Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) Autonomous
Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), The Kybalion
- Hermetic Philosophy, Law of One, Law of Attraction, The Seven Universal
Laws, The 12 Universal Laws, Binaural and Isochronic Vibration Sounds, Schumann Resonance; all with
the clear intention of not knowledge for knowledge, but knowledge to better
apply it into her work.
on October 27, 2018 during meditation, Archangel Metatron who is one of the
Archangels working with her, came through and said:
“It is not important what you learn; it is important what and how you live”!
Puzzled by this affirmation from such an important infinite and wise being such as Metatron, she respectfully contested that affirmation by saying: - "But if learning is not important then what is it"? The answer was quick and short: "Useful".
May the beautiful and peaceful blue hue of the Awakening of a Blue Moon, bless, sparkle and shine your days into new ways of how and what you choose to live today and always.
Much Love and Light!
Virgínia Dias