The Act of Forgiveness
(This is a full transcript of a channeled message from Archangel Metatron received on February 17, 2020) Forgiveness should not be trivialized! Forgiveness is not something that should only be said, but felt. For the act of forgiveness to be complete and correct, you must go to the root of the issue that caused someone to behave inappropriately with someone else. Only after, you can see and review the situation, or issue, can you understand why and without accepting it or judging it as good or bad, you should compassionately understand why and then forgive the reason. The reason may go beyond your own perception of reason, but it must be understood as the perceptioned reason of the person who has to, or must be forgiven. The reason why you feel hurt by this same action must then be seen or reviewed; when it hurt you, how it hurt you, when you let yourselves be hurt by that action. Understanding is the first step, forgiving is the second step and the third i...