Post Spiritual Awakening

A spiritual awakening is an appeal to the higher or consciousness of the WHOLE, and deeper mental awareness of who you really are. It is a process and like any process, some take longer than others, but independently of how long it takes, it brings inevitable personal transformation and a shift in one’s global worldview and interests; post spiritual awakening brings out a new way of life where enlightenment grows, making way to the full comprehension of your life in general or a situation in particular. I have celebrated my fourth anniversary of my awakening, and looking back in my path, and looking in the mirror, nothing compares - where I see the same person in the mirror, I do not see the same person in my today’s daily routine, beliefs, wishes, wants and needs, and much less the vision of the Universe and God. I realize I gave some extra work to my Spirit Guides and Angels for my awakening as I apparently was delaying by procrastinating and as they said at the tim...