How to Connect Talent Purpose and Passion

Passion and talent usually walk hand in hand, it´s easier to notice and identify. But purpose is something more enigmatic, and I would say, most people walk through life without being aware of theirs. Connecting talent with purpose and passion is therefore somehow challenging but extremely rewarding and fulfilling, in reality is part of our evolution. A friend told me about twelve years ago, he knew what his purpose in life was, and he was living it. I was quite surprised and answered: - How incredible and lucky you are!…I have no idea what mine is! At that point, I guess, l had a foggy and very naïve idea of what a purpose in life was! I assume now, I thought (then) it had to be something out of the ordinary - saintly or something like it. Today I, of course, think differently! In the process of my awakening, three years ago, I was literally sent to a sanctuary, an hour and a half drive away from where I live, to hear an important message. I ...