How to Deal with Different Ethics or the Lack of them

Whether you have learned social or work ethics in your past and now you don’t identify or resonate with the one’s that surround you, is important to learn How to Deal with Different Ethics or the Lack of them , so you stay true to your values while respecting others. Ethics are learned, or not, early in life either from parents, teachers or friends. Sometimes you even learn by the lack of ethics of others by choosing to be different. Having a moral compass as a guide for daily living such as – don’t do onto others what you won’t do onto you - helps evaluate whether the behavior is appropriate for us and others. Ethics, morals and beliefs are usually personal and society's sense of right or wrong, appropriate or not, is too divided in groups with different personal interests which affects our way of living. This great divide is in most cases so deep that is able to change people’s lifestyles making them feel they belong! It does this by establishing new rules, principles, and...