Fear of Lack and Fear of Being not Enough

Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by any type of a considered threat.  A certain fear may even be the origin of a phobia.  There is a long list of fears related to considered threats, some of those physically quite dangerous and, obviously understandable, but fear of lack and fear of not being enough are different as they are non-physical. 

Fear of lack and fear of being not enough, are fears not seen with a naked eye, often not easily identified or recognized, exponentially growing in this society, who encourages people to a continuous “want” to have more and more every day. The result is becoming catastrophic to everyone, physical and non-physical as it is quite destructive to the environment of our beloved planet Earth.

At a time so many are talking about the environment and climate change, there should be a wide surge of interest in helping those that are, at this time, deeply  involved in this fear of lack and fear of not being enough, many of which are not even aware of and only recognize it when someone else confronts them or presents the issue.

Let’s face it - No one wants unpleasant emotions, and prolonged fears do become quite uncomfortable, unpleasant, and many times unbearable to the point of making the person ill.


A sudden fear may be a perceived threat from a wide variety of dangerous or not so dangerous threats, from a dog barking right next to you, or seeing a spider; when this happens the hypothalamus - a tiny region at the brain’s base - sets off an alarm system in the body. Through a combination of nerve and hormonal signals, this system prompts the adrenal glands, located atop your kidneys, to release a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.

Adrenaline increases heart rate, elevates blood pressure and boosts energy supplies. Cortisol, being the primary stress hormone, increases sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances the brain's use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.

Cortisol also controls functions that would be nonessential in a fight-or-flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. This complex natural alarm system also communicates with the brain regions that control mood, motivation and fear.

This is a normal and natural response process, but when it goes wild because of a loop on the fight or flight situation, or being under the constant fearing attack, the reaction and the process is constantly turned on. Then the long-term activation of the stress-response system and the overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones  can disrupt almost all the body's processes. This increases the risk of many health problems such as:

1 - Anxiety
2 - Depression
2 - Digestive problems                                                                                                                   
3 - Headaches
4 - Heart disease
5 - Sleep disorder
6 - Weight gain
7 - Memory and concentration impairment

The feeling that, no matter what you do, there is never going to be enough - not enough money, not enough time, not enough food, not enough partying, not enough clothes, not enough shoes, not enough jewelry, not enough furniture, not enough technology items, not enough vacation trips, not enough god knows what, and even, not enough energy to do it all and enjoy and appreciate  it all, 
originates an addictive state, which often enough, deeply  roots a state of forever  wanting more. 

The worry and anxiety walk hand in hand making the perfect cocktail for cortisol to be on a whack once again overloading the body and it´s normal functions, and so this becomes a way of life of many who don´t understand why they feel strange, depressed, anxious and never happy, appreciative and grateful of what they really have.

Any of this sounds familiar?

When one focus too much on what they don´t have, they rarely appreciate what they do have, and are many times consumed by jealous feelings toward friends, when they get something they want.

Adding to the overload of stress hormones, the continuous “competing and comparing”, becomes addictive and generates terrible envy energies for the one who envies and for the one who is envied. These energies are strong and truly an impediment for anyone to move on in life in a healthy environment and lifestyle. Envy energies must be cleared, shifted and transmuted for the return of wellbeing of the involved.

The rollercoaster of feelings of fear of not having enough, not being enough, usually originate blaming someone else for not having what they think they should have. It´s like mirroring the problem or projecting it.

The fear of lack or fear of not being enough may very well be, something acquired from induced beliefs through childhood and when it is so, it is best to treat them through either self-hypnosis, or with the help of a hypnosis practitioner.   It is necessary to understand where those beliefs came from, make peace with them and everyone involved, forgive, shift them and move on. 

A persistent feeling of “not-enoughness” , feeling of inadequacy, fear of going without something or someone, lack of self-confidence, often arise from negative thought beliefs or patterns related to time, money and relationships. 

Mindset beliefs are most often encouraged by family, friends, society - the environment  in general - and are built around life  experiences and how we interpret and perceive those experiences.

Energy flows to where one puts its attention to - if one puts too much attention on fears of lack or fears of not being enough, the physical part of you is going to ring the alarms constantly and when not heard and answered you can be sure you will become ill.

The first step to undue all of this is to start by asking yourself:

1 – Do I have fear of lack? Lack of what? Why?  When did I start feeling this way?

2 – Do I have fear of not being enough? Why? When did I start feeling this way?

When you identify the fears, you should look for the proper treatment and in order to help you with that, I recommend looking for Marisa Peer on any platform online. Marisa Peer  is a British renowned Psychologist and Hypnotherapist who has specifically specialized in this area of fear of lack and fear of not being enough. There are countless videos on YouTube on this subject regarding Marisa Peer’s work which I have studied, tested and highly recommend. At the bottom you will find a very short video with a clip from an interview of Marisa Peer from London Real.  

Be grateful for what you have, especially for what you genuinely are, genuinely like, genuinely need and genuinely want;  then learn the word NO, and use it nicely!

Live in love and light - Not Fear!

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