Live in Love not in Fear – Truth and Trust in Thyself
Soon in life we assimilate the fears our
parents, family, teachers and society infuse in us almost since birth. To free
ourselves from those instilled fears, in order to, live life in love instead of
fear, knowing and owning our truth by trust in thyself, is sometimes a work of
a lifetime.
Most of my life was lived through fear;
from the fear of punishment from my parents from early childhood and throughout
all my teenager life, to the fear of not being enough in school, career or as a
wife, or even as a mother continued throughout most of my life until one day,
one day I can´t even remember, I had no fear whatsoever, to the point I did not
even lock my door when living alone in a remote place.
I was frequently asked: Are you not afraid
to live here all by yourself? Without hesitating I would say NO!
When I realized this, I was not even sure how it happened but now looking
back, I think my reset button was set when I was literally sick and tired of
people telling me they feared everything, and were always trying to infuse more
and more fear into me. I guess I was able to take out the filters that had been
put in my eyes and start seeing even with eyes closed and trust myself as never
I remember when I taught Catholic Religion,
one Bible passage that was hard to understand the real meaning, or better – how
to implement that teaching, was Matthew 6:26-34 that talked about how birds flew
without any concern for tomorrow and were happy. I thought – wow, I would love to be like the birds and imagined
myself flying freely and happily like them. Years later I understood the meaning as well as the concept which is built, not only, on faith but also absolute trust.
26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or
reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you
not much more valuable than they?
27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single
hour to your life?
28 And
why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do
not labor or spin.
29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in his
entire splendor was dressed like one of these.
30 If
that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow
is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?
31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we
eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?
32 For the pagans run after all these things,
and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be
given to you as well.
34 Therefore do
not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has
enough trouble of its own.
Fear and worry make people live a life of
misery as they are unable to truly love their life, what they have and what
they are. The fear and worry, often, unable them to appreciate and savor the moment.
There is a constant stress about not being
enough or not having enough according to someone else’s ideals. If this has
been always a problem, for as long as I can remember, the social media as it
is, made things much worse; people developed the need to be like everybody else
they see on social media, wrongly thinking, they are in bliss because they
appear to be rich, beautiful, famous or successful.
Globalization and social media with all the
good things it contributed to, also had and still has a pernicious effect on
people as they lose authenticity, trying to become someone they are not - as
they think they have the absolute need to be equal to those they think and most
time envy – those who appear in their eyes as rich, beautiful, famous or successful.
Little do they know that being rich,
beautiful, famous or successful depends on each one´s belief or individual need
– it´s really the same as saying – beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
So how do we get out of this matrix?
How do we stop hiding behind everyone’s
How do we stop making excuses in the name
of fears?
How do we stop saying – it´s bad luck, it´s
destiny, it´s fate, it´s karma, it´s
genetic, it´s the weather, everybody does it…?
All in all - how do we start learning to live
in love not in fear and hear our truth by the trust in ourselves?
Remember the saying: learn with everyone follow
no one? That is the secret!
And then what?
How do I follow my truth, what if I don´t
know what my truth is?
What if I hear too much chitchat in my head
and can´t hear my inner self?
What if I am still easily influenced by
other people’s opinions and beliefs?
Well it´s as easy as realizing you want to
Do you want to change?
Do you want to change to who you really are or do you want to continue to follow the same crowd?
Do you want to change?
Do you want to change to who you really are or do you want to continue to follow the same crowd?
The choice is yours!
Once you have made that choice, in case you
don´t want to change and instead want to follow the crowd as always, then don´t
even waste your time in reading the rest. That is your choice – own it.
love and light for your life!
Now, if you are one of those who wants to
change to be true to yourself and trust your inner self to continue to
experience a life based on love instead of fear, a life based on your true path
of an enlightened being, who will continue to evolve as a soul who is having
another human experience, then continue reading as I might give you some useful
After making up the mind for change, it
will be easy to put aside a few minutes a day to learn how to do it; in the
morning before getting up or at night before going to sleep is ideal as the
body is in motion to begin relaxing. Breathe in and out deeply four or five
times to induce a semi hypnotic state where you will hear your intuition
better. Now ask yourself what you are
here to do, what was your destiny or your life path. Are you happy with that
project, do you still resonate with it? If yes, what are you doing to
accomplish it? What do you need to change? If the original project no longer
resonates with you, ask your inner self what you should change and how you
should do it!
In the case you don´t hear any answers the
first time, relax, you are not ready yet – try another day. You may even fall
asleep by being so deeply relaxed. All is good – the right time will come.
Once you hear your inner self give the
answer to your questions, write them down, make a list of exactly what you want
to change. Make a precise list with details. For instance if you decide you
need to change jobs, you need to write down and say you need to quit your job
and find a new one as (specify) whatever, and if possible include the location
or the company, as you want to
experience (whatever).
After doing the list, own your truth, by
saying: - this is what I want for myself and I am going to work for it, and I am
getting it. I know what I want and I trust myself fully, as well as, I surrender
to the Universe to make it possible for me with God speed. Then start working
on that project like sending resumes or whatever might be the case.
The process will take as long as necessary,
for you to get back on track to where
you were supposed to never be deviated from; rest assured, once you start making
enough silence to hear thyself and make your right personalized choices, you
will be able to just go with the flow; the difference now is - you go with your own flow – not everyone else’s,
and soon enough, you will start living in love instead of fear, owning
your truth and trusting in thyself like the happy birds you see flying in the
Much Love and Light