Where Do We Go When We Are Sleeping

We spend one third of our lives sleeping, and this plays an important role in how energetic, productive and how healthy we are, as well as how the other two-thirds of our lives can be spent. Understanding how sleeping interferes with our efficiency and quality of life, is something we should all consider, while others may also ask, or look for answers about where do we go when we ae sleeping?

Usually when we sleep well, we wake up feeling peppy, refreshed and alert for another day´s activity, but maybe there is something more to the structured sleep activity we go through every night.

During a normal night sleep the body has time to complete all of the phases needed for muscle repair, memory consolidation and release of all the hormones that regulate proper growth and health.

A normal sleep structure follows a pattern:

     Alternating REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep - throughout a typical night, in a cycle that repeats itself about every 90 minutes.

NREM (75% of night): As we begin to fall asleep, we enter NREM sleep, which is composed of stages 1-4

N1 (formerly "stage 1")
1 - Between being awake and falling asleep
2 - Light sleep

N2 (formerly "stage 2")
1 - Onset of sleep
2 - Becoming disengaged from surroundings
3 - Breathing and heart rate are regular
4 - Body temperature drops (so sleeping in a cool room is helpful)

N3 (formerly "stages 3 and 4")
1 - Deepest and most restorative sleep
2 - Blood pressure drops
3 - Breathing becomes slower
4 - Muscles are relaxed
5 - Blood supply to muscles increases
6 - Tissue growth and repair occurs
7 - Energy is restored

Hormones such as Growth hormone, essential for growth and development, including muscle development are released at his stage.

REM (25% of night): First occurs about 90 minutes after falling asleep and recurs about every 90 minutes, getting longer later in the night
1 - Provides energy to brain and body
2 - Supports daytime performance
3 - Brain is active and dreams occur
4 - Eyes dart back and forth
5 - Body becomes immobile and relaxed, as muscles are turned off

In addition, levels of the hormone cortisol dip at bed time and increase over the night to promote alertness in morning.

Sleep helps us thrive by contributing to a healthy immune system, and can also balance our appetite by helping to regulate levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which play a role in our feelings of hunger and fullness.

(Information on sleep structure gathered from sleepfoundation.org)

And then there are dreams  - which may be lovely, funny or scary and totally negative, but these do not change the sleep structure.

Despite how it may feel, though, disturbing dreams don’t always have a significant effect on the sleep structure - meaning they won’t necessarily change how much time you spend in the different stages of sleep or the number of times you awaken.  They can,  and usually do,  change how long it takes to fall back asleep, and how challenging it is for your body to switch between Non-REM and REM stages of sleep, which may leave you feeling less rested.

But there is more!

Many years ago I used to say that I got up in the morning more tired than when I had gone to bed at night; one day I told my doctor this,  to which he humorously responded with a question:  - where do you go during sleep? I laughed then, but did think about this for many years without a definite answer, a clue or a plain and simple justification for my state of morning tiredness, which as it appeared so long ago, also disappeared without a warning, but not before a trace to the trail was left behind, so I could start putting the pieces of the puzzle together and get the answer to this enigmatic mystery which I will reveal soon.

When we lay down to sleep every night, we don’t just sleep in our lovely and comfortable bed; we travel – we actually travel to what we refer to as different astral planes.  We may also do this when meditating, daydreaming, or during a hypnosis session, but today our subject is sleep, so let´s stay within the main subject.

Without going into the description of the seven existing astral planes, let´s just stay with the thought that we can travel to and through them.  In as much as the majority may want to travel through the positive astral planes, as the negative planes contain energies that are in opposition to light and spiritual evolution, it is difficult to know for sure, whether some night stops are not made at those dark places, during sleep. Let´s face it, these are not very nice places to visit, as they are actually where some estranged or lost souls might be wandering through. But we might be even traveling to some distant or near place where we have a loved one going through a bad experience such as being in a hospital, an hospice or even a prison; and those places,  are for sure full of dissonant energy.

When we do travel to our so called “Heaven” we normally come back refreshed because we do it to recycle our soul’s energy, learn something more from our Akashic Record Library, or even just for the sake of missing home. When we do this, we are identified by the ones with the silver cord, as we have an ethereal silver energy cord that attaches us to Planet earth – everyone knows that the ones with the silver cord still belong to the earth plane. This ethereal blue energy cord is only severed upon death and can be further described as a strong, silver-colored, sort of an elastic cord which joins a person's physical body to its astral body.

Curiously the silver cord is mentioned in the Bible in Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 King James Version (KJV)as:

6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.

 7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

The silver cord in metaphysical studies also known as the life thread, refers to a life linkage from the higher self-down to the physical body.

When I started to do Remote Reiki Therapy Sessions, I did it at night before going to bed, but this interfered, sometimes, with my normal life activities such as when I had a dinner with friends and had a drink! Alcohol interferes with energy! Although this was something that only happened very sporadically, I did not want any interference  - and although I don´t like routine -  I do know that for my Remote Healings to work properly, I do need a stable and steady structured routine, so I changed the therapies for first thing in the morning.   As I started to do my daily Reiki Therapy Practices first thing in the morning followed by meditation, I started to notice several changes – from my level of energy to the no need to eat any breakfast. Regarding the latter you may read Rethinking Physical and Spiritual Nutrition if you haven´t done so yet.

This did not happen from one day to the other, though! At a certain point of my learning and adapting phase, because I was such an open source of pure light energy with weak or no protection, I would wake up in the middle of the night feeling terrible because my body was being “invaded” with dark energy.  I did have to learn how to protect myself and even then, there was a morning when waking up I heard my higher-self tell me I needed extra self-healing that morning,  because I had been in a very dark place during the night.

After so many years I finally have the answer to my doctor - “where do you go during sleep”? Now that I know this, I am sure I am doing the right thing to keep myself well, protected, balanced,  no longer feel exhausted in the morning, and am very grateful because it really changed my days; do you know where you go when you are sleeping?

Much Love and Light!

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