What does Love and Light Mean?
I finish all my articles with this saying: - “Love
and Light” or “Much Love and Light”,
and I am sure many of you will think it´s just another “New Age” phrase; with
so many definitions out there I will give you mine – in other words – I will
reveal what I mean when I finish my articles with Love and Light and where I
got this definition from.
I find the synchronicities funny and I smile or even laugh out loud when
I see them or hear them… and yesterday, when I thought of writing this article
about Love and Light, I started thinking about the divine feminine and divine
masculine energies and thought: well, I already have two articles in the
making, although I already have some sort of a long list, to do, anyway!
So today when I sat down to start writing my article on Love and Light, I
am told by Archangel Metatron to pause
as he wanted to channel some information. Metatron comes out saying that I
should write about the Divine Feminine
and Divine Masculine Energies, to which I said:
- Okay, so I should leave the article about Love and Light for another
To which he replied: - No, it´s
all related, you already know this!
I finished the channeling and thought for a little bit, soon I understood
what he meant and how it’s all related, really!
But now I have to start from the beginning!
If you have read about me in the “About Virginia” page, you may find
HERE , you will know or read now that “Law of One” was part of my studies, but
you probably don’t know what “Law of One”
is about.
“The Law
of One material is a series of 106 conversations, called sessions, between Don
Elkins, a professor of physics and UFO investigator, and Ra, speaking through
Carla Rueckert. Ra states that it/they are a sixth-density social memory
complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago. Ra says that they are “humble messengers of the Law of One” and
that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results.
The material was channeled by L/L Research
(Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty) between 1981 and 1984. It has
been published in book form, and the books can be freely downloaded from L/L
Research’s library or purchased from their online store or from Amazon*.
(Information courtesy of ©https://www.lawofone.info)
Law of One
is a complex read, but it is for sure a source of information that many have
studied, interpreted and applied since it came out in the eighties.
“I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond
the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be
approximated by stating that all things
are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but
only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite
to Ra and my interpretation of it - the Love
and Light or Light and Love are archetypes of God, which can be defined by its
simultaneous, and yet in order as:
- Infinity
- Infinite energy as Love – which holds everything together and back to the creator’s
natural energy
– Infinite energy as Light – physical projection of wisdom
The Love energy – the one that holds everything together with
God, has been identified as the feminine energy, where the Light energy - the wisdom energy, has been identified with the
masculine energy.
For any
type of energy there is a need for positive and negative polarities, and the
Love energy is considered the positive where the negative is the Light; together
there is the completion needed for God’s intended creation.
Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist has
said in his observations of human psychology that the hidden male within the
female as Animus and the hidden female within the male as Anima. Carl Jung
believed that women and men mainly linked with their female or male energy but
that each had within them the opposing energy in some degree as well. In Jung’s view, male energies were associated
with action, power and the abstract while female energies involved creativity, passivity
and receptivity. Through his view from his era, it is easy to gather that male action
would be less effective without female creativity.
Through my
view – balance is key!
Much has
been going on since Carl Jung’s findings and opinions pertaining to male and
female’s roles and power! The so called
battle of the sexes which refers to the conflict between male and female gender
roles is ongoing, but this article does not refer to this subject though – we refer
to the Love and Light and Light and Love Energies that are innate in any human
being whether they are male or female.
So why did
I adopt the Love and Light as my ending salutation for my articles?
Because Love and Light means balance – balance of the divine feminine and divine masculine energies and the integration with
Source/God/Universe. Each human being, either male or female has a certain
percentage of divine feminine and divine masculine energies which are not static,
they fluctuate through life depending on very specific motives, but the
important issue I want to bring out today is balance, balance of the two - creativity and wisdom – love and
light - is what is needed for a good harmonious and healthy life.
Much Love
and Light!