How Important is Your Name

The name identifies you like the name on your street or the number at your door; it identifies you within the family, friends and society – in a broad sense – in the collective on this earth plane, but there is much more to how important your name really is, than it meets the eye!

Because the majority of people still judge others, a name is many times the first impression that will lead someone to a good or bad judgment. Sometimes the name is not enough and some need a title to precede the name, and when all of that is not clear or enough, occasionally some will ask: -“who is she/who is he”? I remember hearing this years ago when I went to a meeting – the person announced me to the one I was supposed to have the meeting with, to which he asked after first listening to my name:  - Yeah, but who is she? He did not realize I could very well hear what he was saying, but the assistant did, and just shrugged his shoulders when he turned to me and asked me to follow him.

That instance made me think how people are still impressed by names, titles, family names and entitlements.

When I was a kid I did not like my name, but sort of liked my nickname which is a short version of my name. But if that was not enough, I did not like my second name either (my name has two first names). In my opinion the two names do not go well together, it is a question of sound, does not sound well together and I did not see the logic behind combining the two names, but since everybody called me by my “petit-nom” all the time, I did not pay much attention to the issue; one day though,  I asked my mother why I was given such a name.

I listened to her and at that moment I immediately forgave her for giving me those names I did not like, as she presented such compelling reasoning that I could not feel anything but compassion.

Much later in life I started to be curious about my first name not only because it was the name of my paternal grandmother who I never had the pleasure to meet, as she died before I was born, but also the meaning of the name itself.

And through that research I started to realize that the name identified and described who I am, and did not understand as a kid because I did not have enough maturity for the reasoning behind it, nor did I remember, or even have the understanding, that I was the one to choose it before coming into this lifetime; let´s face it, I was not born awake, much less to these complex and yet so plain and simple issues that we are not educated to.

Little by little, and more so through my awakening, I was able to fully understand and identify the meaning of the names and my identity, as well as, how my identity reflects who I really am during this lifetime – or better yet – who I´ve chosen to be in this lifetime.

I conclude then that - identity describes who you are, and identity is self-chosen prior to being born - but we don´t know about it and are so many times unhappy with it.

A name is not a tag or a label – it´s really an identity of who we are but one must be curious enough, like I was, to go look for the answers.

Names carry a certain energy vibration, because each letter transmits a different vibration as well.

There are many common names, but each one conveys a different vibrational energy because it is chosen to portray a unique person with vibrational differences between all the names together, the place of birth, as well as date of birth. All of these together can be studied to give a complete layout of the unique person that you are in each lifetime.

We are not named by someone by a random choice of our parents, we are in fact named by us when we decide to come back to this planet and prepare our journey, but  this is just an identification for this lifetime…what about the others?

Other names from other lifetimes are obviously chosen to carry the vibration we want for that specific lifetime, for that journey, for that experience.

What about in the astral-plane or our so called “heaven”, what are we called there?

I was able to find this out only a few months ago!

During a meditation I was told what my universal and eternal name was – and as I was in self- hypnosis, I said. - Oh no, I am going to forget this name!?  What does it mean? I then simply heard:  - No, you´re not going to forget, and go research what it means.

And so of course I did; as much as I would love to write about it though, I can´t,  I was told not to -  as my name in the “heaven´s” dimension  - is not to be used here on planet earth.

I ask a lot of questions and my Archangels and Spiritual Guides know this very well – so I asked:   - why are you telling me about this name, now?

-        Because you should write about - How Important is Your Name for each identity you take in your several lifetimes, as well as your unique universal and eternal spiritual self.

Much love and Light!

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