Feeling Other People’s Energy
Whether emphatically or not, it is impossible not to receive other people’s energy every single day; the question is: do you feel it? Most don’t, but since the number of people that have been awakening is fortunately rising, to feel other’s energies becomes more obvious, even if at the beginning it cannot be identified as such, and most often, even, confused with something else.
Each human being consists of seven different layers of energy, but today we will go over the most important five, for the sake of our discussion of “feeling other people’s energy :
1 - Physical Energy
This is the visible layer of our physical selves. The physical body that some call ”suit” or even “avatar”, consists of flesh, skin, bone, organs, muscle, blood, other fluids and cells, all organized and fueled through energy centers also called chakras.
2 - Etheric Energy
The etheric field is an electromagnetic grid that weaves around the physical field and it’s located approximately one quarter to one-half inch from the physical body. The etheric energy body has also been referred to as the blueprint or holograph of the physical body or the aura.
3 - Emotional Energy
The emotional layer of our energy body is centrally located among the five layers; this layer is where our feelings and fears reside. This layer can be quite unpredictable and dependent on emotions.
4 - Mental Energy
This is the layer from which our ideas arise and where belief systems are stored. This is where thoughts are integrated, and it is where we deposit personal truths and perceptions based on actual experiences.
5 - Spiritual Energy
The spiritual layer of the human energy field is the final layer. It is the place where our "consciousness", "higher awareness", or “higher-self” resides. This final layer bonds us to our past lives, to our Akashic Records, but also to the Universal Consciousness.
The human physical body, having a shape and volume, can be seen and touched; but the other four energy fields surrounding the physical body that are not so easily seen, and are commonly referred to collectively as a person's aura, can be felt by others that are sensitive to energies.
When some or all the energy fields are out of balance, or an accumulation of dissonant energies is present, anyone who is sensitive or empathic, may recognize other energies that are foreign to their own, feel them as their own, or even be influenced by them without distinguishing who it comes from.
The road of a sensitive or an empath is not easy at the beginning, if there’s no knowledge about energy magnetic fields, energy transmissions and dissonant energies.
The same way we absorb a virus from someone else, we also absorb the energy of another person, with a big difference: we absorb a virus by contagion - in other words – we have to be close to that person to absorb the contagious virus; on the other hand – we may absorb other people’s energy - by mere thought, and the other person may be far, far away.
In simple words - thoughts are energy that is transported in energy waves to where the recipient is. Thoughts travel instantly at an unmeasurable distance to the point of transforming matter, and this phenomenon has been proved by Quantum Physics experiments such as Quantum Entanglement.
Quantum Entanglement was what Einstein referred to as "spooky action at a distance." It's a phenomenon by which one particle can effectively "know" something about another particle instantaneously, even if those two particles are separated by a great distance.
Through this phenomenon- we might feel wonderful when someone is thinking about us, and dependent on those positive or negative thoughts, we might feel something sudden as a beautiful love sensation or a terrible sudden headache, sadness, confusion, stomach sick or many other ailments that are usually sudden, with no apparent reason.
And then there are the influencing energies that are usually persistent and so undisguised that one thinks it’s their own. In our actual society where the so called “influencers” are online ferociously trying to influence everyone in exchange for a financial gain, can get through many people’s energy as their marketing hypnosis gains more ground each day, to the point people buy things they don't need or think they are something they are not.
It is important to learn and differentiate these energies from our own, as sometimes we cart them for years, carrying other people’s burdens, needs, beliefs, desires, pains and dreads without even realizing it.
I’ve written about Energy Fields and what Science already proves in this other article that compliments what we are discussing today. You may read it here
And I’ve also written about Energy Cleaning and it’s maintenance. You may read it here, but sometimes we cannot do it all by ourselves and need further assistance, as understanding and distinguishing the Feeling of Other People’s Energy takes a while to master, and in such a case you are welcome to contact me for additional information or services.
Much Love and Light