What we Desire and How to Manifest it
This tittle
gets an immediate attention drawn to the Law of Attraction, so well-known and
better disclosed when the documentary “The
Secret” went out; since then it has been interpreted with infinite twists and tweaks, some
of them too vulgarized to the point - many people think it works with some art
of hocus pocus - so today we also dig deeper into the Law of Attraction and what we
desire and how to manifest it, with my personal view of this theme as well
as the precious help of Archangel Metatron.
In very
simplistic terms, the Law of Attraction
is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on; when we
focus on negative or positive, we will for sure attract the same into us.
in the simplistic terms, thoughts are like magnets - they attract thoughts
alike - so for someone who is a negative person, who is constantly complaining and
bickering with others, for sure they will attract people who complain and
bicker all the time, and within that dense energy, it will be most difficult to
get out of the roller coaster of complaining and bickering thoughts that turn life
into chaotic events (one after the other).
If on the
other hand, a person perceives life and it´s challenges with positive thoughts
and attitudes, it will be easier to be in the vortex of creation, and so, manifesting
what it is desired is not that hard.
The Law of Attraction
is actually one of the 12 Universal Laws – “what
we think and feel deep inside of ourselves is reflected back to us in our physical
For those who
are familiar with Bible passages, let´s review these two from Matthew:
Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and
you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 21:22
If you believe, you will receive whatever you
ask for in prayer."
They all
repeat the same idea, don´t they?
There are infinite
possibilities within the magnetic power of our thoughts!
Don´t be deluded,
though, into the idea that you think of something and BAM you change your life!
The mass popularization of Law of Attraction (LOA), since the documentary film “The
Secret”, and it’s use for worldwide financial gains, has made many think this way, to the point of ridiculing
something that is one of the Universal
This law of
the Universe is more complex but nonetheless not attainable, unless one does
not deeply believe it because it is unseen at the beginning.
But how
does it work?
- Everything
is vibration and to understand the Law
of Attraction one must understand the Law
of Vibration which is another one of the 12 Universal Laws.
single living being in the Universe, large or small – even though not seen with
a naked eye - is in a constant state of higher or lower vibration.
Any matter,
solid or non solid is vibrating at different frequencies.
The higher frequency
one is vibration, the less resonance one will get from the lower vibrating people
and vice versa. It´s like one does not catch the other! It can´t – it´s
The brain
is able to recognize and translate different vibrations, sync into them
easily, or simply withdraw (as easily), reason why there is resonance with some
people and no resonance with others –
what we often call empathy. So, whatever frequency one is vibrating at is the
one going to be attracted to. As simple as that!
Now let´s
go deeper, into the more complex matters. Is it possible to manifest what one
desires all the time? How?
Wayne Dyer, the famous physiotherapist and author who wrote over forty books, mostly in self-help, used to say: “Attract what we are”! He really meant that we cannot manifest what
we want – we can only manifest what we are. What does this mean?
I have to
admit this Wayne Dyer saying twisted my mind for a while and I had to ask Archangel Mettatron for help with this
one… he already knows I need to understand things really well.
First of, one needs to know exactly what they want, what they want to change in their lives’
and what the purpose is!
But let´s review
– when you write up your journey before you come into this lifetime, you choose
who you want to be – rich, poor, smart, not so smart, beautiful, ugly, athletic,
sedentary, etc, etc, into infinite possibilities. You do this as an architect does
in the drawing board.
You might choose
to marry early or not get married at all, you might choose to have an easy life
or not at all. Of course these aspects all have to do with your whole journey –
past, present and future - as a soul; all the contracts you’ve made, all the lessons
to be learned and agreed with the families you choose to come into and with the
angels and guides assigned to you.
Even though
there is space for new creation as you go along life, it is important to know
that trying to change something that was designed/predestined by us is not easy;
exercising freewill and using Law of Attraction is not easy at all in this particular
With this string of thought I was able to understand better what Wayne Dyer meant by saying: We attract what we are - we manifest what we are.
In this
complex case, one must go within and find out what and why one wants to change,
what is the purpose, and how is it served for the higher good of everyone involved.
In order to
proceed, one has to change who they are first, and this is where many encounter
their biggest struggle. There is some sort of an incompatibility fight between
who one chooses to be, free will and the Law of Attraction.
what one chose to be for a specific soul purpose and create new possibilities
to fulfill that purpose, is in my view more purposeful – pardon the redundancy
- than wanting to change to something one is not and never intended to be in the
first place.
against your life’s vortex, your normal cycle of evolution - is like riding
against the wind – and then you end up giving up and walking back, sometimes
after a too long of a journey.
twists and positive changes within the true life path are always possible and encouraging
for the evolution of the Universal Soul that we are – using the magnetic force
of thoughts, creating or recreating within deep belief that we as one powerful
being, can and may, do anything we so desire, but for that we must know What we Desire and How to Manifest it.
Much Love
and Light!