God, Humanity and Religions
What if God was like one of us?
What if God was in all of us?
I was raised, believing God was a Christian
Catholic God, only because I was told to go to Catholic Church and... and much
later on as an adult, I was part of a wonderful catholic community doing a lot
of volunteer and totally altruistic work. In that community the priests, the
nuns and volunteers all had a main goal - helping others and doing good – and with
no taboos we worked together the best we could, even though, there was sometimes, an ego, here and there, trying to overshadow or overpower the goodness. With this thought in mind, I often think of God
vs today´s humanity vs religions and all its power, but what if God was like
one of us? Not like the song, but for real? What if God was in all of us? Like
the catholic say: God is in all of us… but they never explained why and how?!
And why not?
One day someone who had converted from Catholicism
to Judaism said in a conversation, something so simple as complex as - “my God”
to which I responded with a question:
Your God? Your God is different than mine?
Of course the discussion that followed was long and each one was left with the same personal opinion, but the point here is, the fact that the “my God” made me start thinking into what I came to a conclusion years later, which made way, to another long conversation, with someone else about God and Religions. This person is a smart, intelligent, hardworking engineer - a Christian, Roman Catholic, but, there is always a but, isn´t there?! …He is a fanatic, and according to him, God is “his” Christian, Roman Catholic God and all others who follow other religions are a bunch of (too many) unfaithful people just like the agnostics and atheists. Wow...that was kind of draining, but of course he did not like what I had to say and had no answers to my questions: - "if your God is only the Father of all the Roman Christian Catholics, then who is the Father/ God/ Creator of all the others? Are the rest all fatherless? Are the rest Godless? Are the rest all doomed?".
Of course the discussion that followed was long and each one was left with the same personal opinion, but the point here is, the fact that the “my God” made me start thinking into what I came to a conclusion years later, which made way, to another long conversation, with someone else about God and Religions. This person is a smart, intelligent, hardworking engineer - a Christian, Roman Catholic, but, there is always a but, isn´t there?! …He is a fanatic, and according to him, God is “his” Christian, Roman Catholic God and all others who follow other religions are a bunch of (too many) unfaithful people just like the agnostics and atheists. Wow...that was kind of draining, but of course he did not like what I had to say and had no answers to my questions: - "if your God is only the Father of all the Roman Christian Catholics, then who is the Father/ God/ Creator of all the others? Are the rest all fatherless? Are the rest Godless? Are the rest all doomed?".
According to Google, today, there are about
4,200 religions in the world (what??? really??? is this for real???? is this even possible????) and the ones with more popularity are Christianity: 2.1 billion, Islam: 1.3 billion, Hinduism: 900 million, Buddhism:
376 million, Sikhism: 23 million, Judaism: 14 million.
God must be laughing out there (yes he has a
sense of humor) with so many worshipers of so many religions… wherever he is!… Wait
a minute, wait a minute - but he is
supposed to be everywhere! How is that possible if according to the religious
people he is only their Father?
More and more I believe God made a mistake
giving humans freewill! As it is, so
many people have a tough time making up their minds with the easiest things
like what to eat… each one claims their diet is the best (!... ) how can we expect these people to decide or believe who GOD really is?
God said through Jesus – he is everywhere,
he is in us, and I thought that was metaphorical, since God meant love, he is
everyone including us. Okay, fine, but what about the ones that are not so nice
and are kind of “no loving people” ? Hum… sort of confusing this metaphorical
way of thinking - GOD=Love=Everywhere. I needed to decode all of this, I just
needed to, and as soon as I did, synchronicities aligned and a wonderful scientifically
dense book came into my hands and I felt more blessed than ever. The puzzle was
finally making sense, but before going into the details of the book and the
theory behind it, I will go into my thought of who God is.
God is the Creator of ALL
God is the Origin and Source of
the Multiverse
God has no Religion so he is
above all Religions
God is the non-punishment Creator
God is the non- judgmental
God is ALL Knowing
By this time I needed to make the
connection between science and the mystical God in order to explain to myself,
how being everywhere including inside us was possible. I knew it was true
because I see not only with my eyes, I see with my heart, so I know he is here
with me, but I only wanted to see with my eyes (as well) that proven theory, so
I could share with the ones who do not see with the heart (yet) .
One of the great things about being aware
and awake is the fact one recognizes the synchronicities in a broad clear way!
When one searches for – one finds!
I had read and heard Gregg Braden, the scientist
who says he is bridging science, spirituality and the real world. I find his
wisdom fascinating and follow his work along with other scientists and
fantastic authors, some of which do seminars together around the world.
So, I read Gregg Braden’s book about who God
is, where scientific complex work has been done to prove his theory, that very
little people know about (?!), but then again, not all humans want knowledge,
so the God Code is out there only for the ones who want to know who God really
is – with no fantasies, no mystics, no clouds, no taboos.
The spoiler of the book is: God is ENERGY,
God is all the Energy that maintains the Multiverse together, God is in us in
our DNA with specific beautiful and clear as water code.
If you would like to read The Code with your own eyes read the book The God Code, and then answer yourself these questions: What
if God was like one of us? What if God was in all of us? And then, if you would like, go and spread the word – We
are a little Spark of God, independently of our religions or belief systems.
Before I go I would like to make clear, I have absolutely nothing against any religion, but today I choose to learn from all, while following none and instead, I choose to follow the God that is in my heart.
Much Love and Light!
Before I go I would like to make clear, I have absolutely nothing against any religion, but today I choose to learn from all, while following none and instead, I choose to follow the God that is in my heart.
Much Love and Light!